HTML, CSS, Javascript.
Registered at iwantmyname in September 2013.
Currently crafted in Visual Studio Code and hosted at Github Pages. In the past, I've used Wix and Carrd, and this web domain previously hosted my fashion portfolio and my organizing business website.
While I was working on my master's thesis, I came to see website-making (and specifically writing HTML, or hypertext mark-up language) as an important artistic practice that I've engaged with since I was a child. In this way, although this website is a portfolio of artistic work that I've created in other mediums, the website itself transcends its function as a portfolio and can also be viewed as a work in its own right.
This is why I've made some idiosyncratic design choices that may not be regarded as current best practices: many of the functional and aesthetic choices made in creating this website reflect early webdesign practices of my own and my contemporaries of the early 2000s.
However, I am proud to say that I've graduated from using <table> tags to <div> tags, and that I taught myself the basics of responsive design (meaning this website will display nicely on a phone screen, tablet, and larger computer monitor or laptop).
© 2025 Mary Reed